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North Carolina Library Association

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College and University Section and North Carolina Chapter of ACRL


Article I - Name

The name of this organization shall be the College and University Section of the North Carolina Library Association and the North Carolina Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries, hereafter referred to as the Section/Chapter.

Article II - Objectives

The objectives of this organization shall be:

Section 1. To unite North Carolina college and university librarians.

Section 2. To provide opportunities for discussion and activities which will further professional growth;

Section 3. To promote and develop improved library service; and

Section 4. To seek to fulfill the objectives of the North Carolina Library Association and the Association of College and Research Libraries.

Article III – Relationship to the Association of College and Research Libraries

This organization is an affiliate of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association. It is subject to Article IV (Chapters) of the ACRL Constitution and Bylaws as stated in Guidelines for ACRL Chapter approved by the ACRL Board of Directors, January 1975 and updated January 1979.

Article IV - Members

Any person or institution that is a member of the North Carolina Library Association may, at the time of payment of NCLA dues, become a member by stating a preference for this Section/Chapter.

Article V - Officers

The officers of this organization shall be: Chair, Chair-Elect, who shall serve as Vice-Chair, a Secretary-Treasurer, and two Directors. The Chair and the Chair-Elect shall be members in good standing of the Association of College and

Research Libraries. The Chair-Elect, the Secretary-Treasurer, and the two Directors shall be elected at the regular biennial meetings and shall serve for a two-year term, or until their successors are elected and have assumed their duties.

Article VI - Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer, the immediate past Chair, the two Directors, and the North Carolina Libraries Editorial Board representative (appointed at the beginning of each biennium by the Executive Committee in consultation with the editor of North Carolina Libraries). The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Section/Chapter and shall have the power to act for the Section/Chapter in the intervals between biennial meetings. Such administrative business shall include only that business which necessarily must be dealt with prior to the regular biennial meetings.

Article VII – Interest Groups

Interest groups may be established to the Section's Chair and with the approval of the Executive Committee of the Section. Such application must be supported by the signatures of at 10 members of the Section. The interest group must represent an area related to the activities of colleges and universities. The Chair of each interest group must be a member of the College and University Section The Chair shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall become a non-voting members of the Executive Committee of the Section. The Chair of the interest group may appoint committees to assist with activities.

Each interest group is expected to be self-supporting. However, seed monies for programs may be granted upon application to the Executive Committee of the Section. No commitment of NCLA or Section funds shall be made without prior Executive Committee approval. Each interest group shall submit a written report of its work during the biennium to the Chair of the Executive Committee 30 days prior to the NCLA biennial meeting. A report of the group's activities will be made at the biennial meeting. Either the Executive Committee of the Section, or the interest group may discontinue affiliation with the Section whenever either one determines that such action is appropriate.

Article VIII - Meetings

Section 1. The regular meeting shall be held as a section meeting of the biennial meeting of the North Carolina Library Association.

Section 2. A quorum for the Transaction of the business of this Section/Chapter shall consist of 25 percent of the membership of the Section/Chapter.

Section 3. Special meetings may be called at the direction of the Chair, the Executive Committee, or upon written request, signed by 15 members and delivered to the Executive Board of the Association.

Section 4. The Executive Committee shall set the fee for individuals attending Section/Chapter-sponsored workshops. Participation is not limited to Section/Chapter members; however, non-members may be charged higher fee.

Article IX - Elections

Section 1. The Chair shall appoint a Committee on Nominations who will present the name of one candidate for each elective office, consent being secured from the nominees. Any member or members of the Section/Chapter may present a candidate or candidates for the elective offices of the Section provided that (1) that they notify the Chair of the Section/Chapter of such action, in writing, (2) that the notification be signed by 10 members of the Section/Chapter, (3) the consent of the nominee or nominees has been secured and so indicated on the notification, and (4) in the case of nominees for Chair and Chair-Elect, the requirement of membership in ACRL has been satisfied.

Section 2. A majority vote of those attending a regular meeting shall constitute election.

Article X – Special Duties of Officers

Section 1. The Chair shall, with Executive Committee, appoint such committees and define their duties as may be necessary to carry on the work of the Section/Chapter.

Section 2. The Chair of the Section/Chapter shall serve as an ex officio member on all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee. The Chair shall also serve as Chair of the Executive Committee. The Chair, or a designee selected from the Executive Committee, shall represent the Section/Chapter at appropriate ACRL meetings and functions.

Section 3. The North Carolina Libraries Editorial Board representative shall be responsible for placement of all Section/Chapter announcements and reports on activities in North Carolina Libraries and Tar Heel Libraries as well as in ACRL publications (specifically College and Research Libraries News).

Section 4. New Committees may be created and old committees discontinues by the Executive Committee provided that such action is not contrary to the wishes of the membership of this Section/Chapter as expressed at the most recent meeting of the Section/Chapter.

Section 5. The Chair-Elect shall be elected to office, and shall assume the responsibilities and perform the duties of the Chair in the event of absence, death, disability or resignation of the Chair. The Chair-Elect shall serve as Chair during the two years following a term as Chair-Elect unless the Chair-Elect has served more than one year of the unexpired term of the Chair. In the event that the Chair-Elect shall be elected at the next biennial meeting.

Section 6. In the event of absence, death, disability or resignation of both the Chair and the Chair-Elect during the interval between the biennial meetings, the President of the North Carolina Library Association shall appoint a Chair. In such case, the office of Chair-Elect shall remain vacant. In the event of absence, death, disability or resignation of other member of the Executive Committee during the interval between biennial meetings, the Committee shall fill these vacancies by appointment from the membership. Such appointment or appointments shall remain in force until the next regular meeting of the Section/Chapter.

Section 7. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties normally accepted for such office.

Article IX – Parliamentary Authority

Section 1. Robert's Rules of Order, latest edition, shall be the governing authority in any matter not specifically covered by these bylaws.

Section 2. Nothing in these bylaws shall conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the North Carolina Library Association or the Guidelines for ACRL Chapters approved by the ACRL Board of Directors, January 1975 and updated January 1979.

Article X - Amendments

These rules may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a meeting called in accordance with the Bylaws of the Section/Chapter; or by a mail ballot, provided that (1) the request for such action be submitted to the Executive Committee in writing and signed by 15 members of the Section/Chapter; (2) the total number of returned ballots be not less than 25 percent of the membership of the Section/Chapter; and (3) two-thirds of the mailed ballots returned shall be in the affirmative.

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265 Eastchester Dr.

Suite 133, #364

High Point, NC 27262

North Carolina Library Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


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